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For Mom On Mother's Day, A Letter From Your Special Needs Child


Dear Mom,

Even without my words, 

you have always known my needs. 

When I am hurting or afraid, -

frustrated or fatigued, 

You gather me home 

into the safety of your arms. 

You know what makes me smile, delights me and fills my face with light-

You make my happiness.

When you sing my favorite song, 

 and sweep the softness of my favorite blanket, across the curve of my cheek.

When you take me for walks -

and I feel the warmth of the sun , the cool breeze brush against my skin.

 You disregard the words of others, telling you what I cannot do-

 and then fill the hours of every day- 

Telling me what I can.

Every day you see other kids -  reaching further-

Yet you celebrate me

pushing away sadness, 

you focus on the hope of our future

Letting my small steps, continue to lead us forward. 

Never standing still, always in motion-

You move before me.

Your planning-  protective and positive,

prepares me for success- 

meeting new people, 

new challenges, 

learning new worlds.

..and Mom, in case I ever go-

before I can whisper words of thanks, 

or wrap my arms around you.

Know what I knew-

before you soothed me 

into heaven’s sleep.

 With you -

I live the fullest life-

I see the understanding in your eyes.

the gentleness in your every touch-

as you fill my heart - with the greatest kind of love



Fixing What I Can Fix With Duck Tape and Aqua " Happy" Paint..

Photo Moms of kids with special needs ( or special powers as Love that Max Mom, Ellen says) aren’t that different than other moms. One minute our kids are laughing, smiling , feeling good, and we feel like rock stars.. and the next minute well .. we wonder what the plan was giving us more than we can handle, because we just suck at this “ special “ mothering thing.

Like other moms, I bounce back and forth- feeling like I am ahead of it sometimes.. ( meaning not overdue with doctors appointments, medicine pick ups, homework or library books..)  and then, totally feel like last on the list when my kids are hurting, unhappy or have some type of problem I just can’t fix.

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Asking For Help and the Power and Promise of Hope

This is the story about asking for help, the power and the promise of hope, about two sisters, lots of glitter and curls, and how fairy tales can come true. 

I have this standard joke I make, when people ask about our family’s summer vacation plans.“ The Cleveland Clinic” I joke. Serious , when I consider the expense, time and planning these trips require.  

There is also an Arizona ranch we visit, making great family memories sharing unplugged long weekend time in a log cabin, painting watercolor pictures, visiting with the horses and connecting with nature and each other. These visits too few and far between, are still a medicine for the soul. Visits to the ranch are often spontaneous escapes designed to heal and soothe, refresh and recharge. 

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