Running Through Life
Zoe's Summer of Independence

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff - " Change it Up!"

LavenderI don’t sleep through the night. A good night means I am up only twice. My day starts at 5 and ends by 10, and the mothering I do all day is a physical, eyes and hands-on type that Moms’ of toddlers can most identify with.  I am the mom of a girl with special needs, and I have been blessed with the gift of perspective.

It is an awesome gift I have earned. When you hold your child throughout painful or difficult medical procedures one day, and the next she wants a chocolate brownie or to wear her princess tutu to the grocery store.. it’s a no brainer. It’s perspective. 

When the bedroom floor is strewn with toys at bedtime, but the sound of laughter still lingers from her afternoon of play, it’s the gift of perspective that allows you to push the mess aside and climb in - to give your girl a goodnight hug, grateful for a good day.

Managing stress is always an issue from me, managing work, home, marriage and mothering. Years ago, I picked up the first edition of “ Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff For Mom’s” and was moved by the poignant, short common sense chapters. I especially needed support with the accepting that I cannot do everything, taking care of myself was mandatory, and sometimes just surrendering was okay. 

Summer is a great time to fine tune who we are as a whole and less stressed Mom, and the balancing act of mothering our kids,  keeping them close while encouraging them to grow. Kristine Carlson’s recently released second edition of “ Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Mom’s” Simple Ways to Stress Less and Enjoy Your Family , is a great short, affirmation of what mothering can really be. It’s perspective handed out from the pages of her book.

I am challenging myself this summer to read/journal/blog my way though this book, reflecting, reconsidering and reconnecting with my "Mom" self- and sharing my journey along the way. Hope you can join me. 

“ Change it Up” 

In Carlson’s chapter, “ Change it Up” she talks about how although kids thrive with structure... “ your daily routine can leave you in a slump, and a rut.” And that sometime’s “ changing it up” will rejuvenate your energy. She goes on to suggest small changes, starting your day with inspirational reading, creative projects, treating yourself.. the list is simple, long and inspiring. My favorite  was  "Spend more time in nature.” 

I adore the idea of using what you have and opening your eyes to what is already around you- Looking around my own life, I realized that I need a few minutes of quiet alone time each day, to think , read, write or recharge and that I don’t spend enough time enjoying the beauty of the warm Arizona sun and  nature's view from my back patio. 

To “ Change it Up” I added some fragrant lavender to my patio herb pots and found an inexpensive rocking chair from Target. The pleasure it provides, just a few minutes a day sitting in this amazing. Stress reducing, calming and centering. The patio had plenty of great seating before, but nothing that called to me and made it easy and rewarding to sit spontaneously for a few moments. 

Is there a simple way you can " Change Up!"  your start to summer ?  Something that speaks to you   and sparks re-energizing and rejuvenation?  

Stay tuned for future installments of my  Summer Series for Mom: “ Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” as I share more goodness from this second edition of Kristine Carlson’s new book. 

Dont-Sweat-the-Small-Stuff-MomsLeave your comment here on the blog and one winner will be randomly selected each week to receive a free copy of “ Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Mom’s” This easy to read treasure, small pocket size book is perfect to stash in your purse- for wherever your summer family fun may take you.





